In life and on the web, appreciation of all things whacked.

Posts tagged “christmas movie

Hollywwood must be stopped

I am saddened, angered, and bewildered at the latest attempt to make a buck in Hollywood.  “A Christmas Story 2″  producers are leaches sucking the blood from a cherished and loved memory from a time when movies were good. Certainly any successful movie will be milked of profit via merchandising or a sequel.  Generally, after some time the movie studios simply “reboot” the franchise in order to sell the more timely dream to a newer generation.  These clowns were too lazy to reboot and just went for an untimely sequel.  The acting looks horrid. The casting is pathetic. Daniel Stern slipped past Eric Roberts and Treat Williams as the biggest whore actor that will take any part. The trailer should be red band. Southpark writers dedicated a whole episode to the lastest Indiana Jones: Kingdom of the Crystal Skull movie likening it to a rape.  A Christmas Story 2 makes that rape look like it just got to first base.   How does this movie not go straight to DVD? Hell it shouldn’t even get that distinction of DVD and just go straight to streaming Netflix. This movie looks so bad. Hollywood needs to be shot!